Tuesday, April 12, 2016

because it's work that's why

today someone from work sent me a link about an aticle written by dan lyons who just wrote a book about working in silicon valley after 25 years working as an editor for newsweek:

so I've heard this guy on NPR and there was something he wrote for latimes a few weeks back and honestly I'm a little perplexed at how someone who has "worked" in silicon valley for a year at a tech startup suddenly has the insight, experience and fortitute to write an entire book out of it. he's been going around slamming HubStop for its work ethic, culture and business model. and at first I think, 'yea - stick it to them danny boy!' but then I think, well ok you've been involved in tech (indirectly) for a while as the technical editor for a couple mags. but as someone who has been in the industry for as long as he has I find it strange he was at all surprised at the goings-ons within silicon valley startups. but then there he was disoriented and shocked as he meandered the halls of HubStop wondering where the people who had actually 'graduated' gone to.

anyway, I guess I'm babbling about this because I've seen this take place for almost 20 years working in the 'tech sector'. way stranger things go down than millineals sipping beer at work and people graduating with superpowers. I guess having a sweet 6 figure job at a tech company while being able to sit on your ass all day moving nothing more than your fingers as you steal glances from the san francisco skyline is considered 'surreal', 'cruel' and well, working for a 'digital sweatshop'.

go whine to someone else danny boy and I'm not buying your goddamn book

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